Georgia Milestones Scores Filters
Milestones Report Changes
Welcome to the start of a new school year! I expect that this year will be an exciting one. It has been an eventful summer. We have been working on a lot of changes for the Data Warehouse. Many of those changes will be rolling out over the next few months. These changes are things that have been requested many times over the last few years. Here is a list of some of the new things coming your way:
Best Score Filter (Released)
SIS Integration (PowerSchool and Infinite Campus support)
Teacher Filters
SIS Student Grouping
SIS Program Enrollments
Fresh New Look
Today we are talking about the new buttons that you might have noticed on the Milestones reports.
Score Filtering
Defaults to showing only the ‘Best’ Score for a student during the testing school year.
When you open a new Georgia Milestones report, the default setting will be to show only the 'Best' score for a student during the selected testing year. If a student takes a test more than once in a school year, only the highest score is included in the report. You can change the filter to include only the initial test results by clicking the [Show Initial Scores Only] button.
Remove Filters
By deselecting the active filter, no filter is applied and all tests are included in the report.
If you want to display all tests taken by all students simply deselect both options. This will set the report to work in the same way as it has in the past (which calculated all test results for a student).
Other News
The state has released the private DRC data with growth scores for English Language Arts. If you haven’t uploaded your data, read the previous post Uploading Fresh Data to the Warehouse.