Georgia Network for Education and Therapeutic Support
The Georgia Network for Educational and Therapeutic Support is dedicated to providing comprehensive, regional educational treatment services to students with severe emotional/behavior disorders and autism in order for them to become productive and contributing members of society.
Diagnostic Services
Diagnostic Services are available through the referral process. Assessments available through the program include:
Social History
Intellectual/Personality/Educational Evaluation
Psychiatric Consultation
This information is consolidated to form a comprehensive psychological evaluation
Consultation includes counseling and program management in classrooms on a limited basis.
Service Delivery Model
Our service delivery model provides a variety of programs including the following:
Comprehensive Affective Learning Model
Aggression Replacement Training
MindsetEmployment Training Program (Floyd County)
System-wide Academic Curriculum
Parent Services
Parent Services are provided with the focus of each student's Individual Educational Program. Parent Services include:
Parent Planning Conferences
Parent Workshops
Agency Collaboration
Crisis Intervention
Systems Served
The Northwest Georgia Educational Program serves 17 school systems throughout Northwest Georgia. There are 33 classes located within this area. Of these classes, 28 are located in regular school settings, and 5 classes are located in alternative settings.