Technology Department
Meet the Team
Bucky Bush
Director of Technology
Mike Afdahl
Coordinator, Technology Services
Ward Weatherford
Data Analytics Engineer
Technology Services
Data Warehouse
Let our team help you make data driven decisions easily.
Professional Development
Amplify teaching and leading with next-generation technology training.
Elevate your teaching by expanding your knowledge of Computer Scence.
Join our job alike collaboratives for targeted growth and peer support in your field.
Data Warehouse
NWGA RESA Technology Department is passionate about helping educators focus more of their time on their mission - educating students. Our team develops data dashboards to allow educators to have clear visibility into the data points and take action.
“Our mission is to enable educators to focus on what they do best - educating students.””
Professional Development
The NWGA RESA Technology Department is thrilled to be able to provide administrator and teacher training and assistance in the areas of Data Literacy, Artificial Intelligence, and Instructional Technology.
Contact our team today to schedule training for your district or school!
Looking to improve your understanding of local and state assessments?
Let our team lead you through a Data Training process to improve instruction!
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Computer Science Endorsement
The Northwest Georgia RESA Computer Science Endorsement program is based on standards set forth by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission Rule 505-3-.86 and has been developed with additional reference to the content recommendations of the International Society for Technology Education (ISTE) Standards for Computer Science Educators (2011) and the Computer Science Teachers Association Interim Standards (2016).
Members include District Technology Directors/Personnel.
Lead Contact: Mike Afdahl
Members include District Instructional Technology Leaders
Lead Contact: Mike Afdahl
Members include Student Information System Coordinators
Lead Contact: Ward Weatherford